I was first diagnosed with Autism with in year 2 at primary school. Autism isn't a scale - its a spectrum. With many varying shades, it's tricky to know what someone's like just from the label "Autistic".
For me its about the detail - and the feel. Everyone has to play by the rules, everything has to be right, and I like everything to be correct.
Putting on a helmet was something I found to be really comforting.
Add in that, and that it hurts me to queue -karting was a perfect match!
I soon progressed into bigger, faster karts and my methodical approach soon became a real benefit and started to progress up the ranks. As I did I began racing at other tracks around the country. This brought with it new challenges, new friends and more experience.
Not until you have to get around the corner!
Last year I entered the Ultimate Karting Championship, which was amazing! It really helped me improve and step up to the next level.
I'm 13 years old now and my goal is race at the very pinnacle of British Championship Racing within the next 12 months! - Watch this space!